Website ToDoWebsite ToDo"
As building this website from scratch might take a while, I found that sharing my ToDo checklist with you was a cheap (but hopefully also interesting) way to keep you entertained while also sharing the progress and the different features that have/are/will be implemented in this Portfolio website.

Already implemented features are kept visible but struck through for future reference.

Blog Posts I'll eventually write. Or maybe I won't. Who knows? Time will tell. Or maybe it won't.

  • How I ended up here
  • Flakes make Nix complete
  • Infrastructure as code using Nix
  • Open source: it isn't what you think it is

Blender and other graphical tasks

  • Create a set of spinning cubes - export in Gltf
  • Create an animated logo for the website
  • Create a bilboard scene for the About page

Machine Learning and BackEnd-related tasks

  • Serve an interactive Machine Learning Model (ML101 style, like recognizing gestures, handwritten digits...)
  • Server Side Rendering of 3D scenes with Blender

Website Layout and general content

  • Create a markdown-based ToDo section for this website (...inception...)
    • Use .mdx instead of plain markdown
  • Add a sticky "Website under Construction" banner, like this one :
  • Create a custom 404 page link
  • Add a light/dark theme switch :
  • Make everything responsive
  • Finish the website's Layout
    • Add a sticky Header
    • Add a Footer
      • All Rights Reserved, yada yada yada
      • Add links to socials
      • Add call to action
    • Add a Navbar
      • Create a About section
        • Display curriculum in a scrollable virtual biboard, because why not?
      • Create a Blog section
        • Setup a markdown-based blogging pipeline (Static Pages, Server-Side Rendered)
      • Create a Projects section
      • Create a Contact section
  • Display loading widgets when a page is... loading
  • Convert codebase from JS -> TS (btw, strat learning TS)
  • Work on the color theme
  • Open source the project

© 2024,

Contact me at
